Ava Grayle


This year has been one of much upheaval, change, and challenges, both on a global scale, and for me personally. Change—the only constant in life—is intoxicating and exciting, but also destabilizing. It takes a great deal of energy to remain rooted during a changing tide.

In order to renew my energy and grow the roots that I need at this moment, I am making the difficult but closely considered decision to step back from offering in-person sessions. I have very much enjoyed providing a nonjudgmental space for exploration and self-acceptance, and while I realize it is not the same, I look forward to continuing to provide that space in the virtual realm. I will be increasing my availability on NiteFlirt, be available for scheduled phone and video calls, and will be exercising my videography skills to bring you films. Of course, custom content is always an option!

What I am requesting from you, my pets:
Please do not complain, whine, or beg me to change my mind. This decision was not taken lightly, and has been a result of a great deal of emotional turmoil. While I feel at peace with it, the journey here has been difficult, and I do not need to hear any fussing about it.

While I would love to be able to recommend another domme for you to session with, I am simply unable to provide you with recommendations or referrals at this time.

If you are able and feel so inclined, providing support via my Wishtender or by purchasing my content on NiteFlirt will be much appreciated as I transition my focus to online offerings. It is a quite inopportune time of the year to take a financial hit—but the march of life cares little for what month it is!

Along those same lines, ordering a custom audio or video from me for your listening and/or viewing pleasure is a wonderful way to continue your service to me and practice your devotion wherever you are.

I’ve delighted in the adventures we’ve taken together! I look forward to this new phase of our relationships, and hope to see you on the other side.

Ava will be on vacation May 13-21

All requests will be responded to on May 22